
Here you will find how to integrate Clickfunnels with LimeCall


You can connect LimeCall to ClickFunnels to receive new leads submitted via your ClickFunnels contact forms in your LimeCall account. This gives you instant new lead alerts and automatically creates the leads in your leads page so you can immediately contact them.

Note that you’ll need to have a ClickFunnels account to set up this integration.

Connecting to ClickFunnels

Connecting your LimeCall account to ClickFunnels only takes a minute, and can be done directly from your ClickFunnels account.

Follow the instructions below to connect your ClickFunnels to LimeCall :

  1. Sign in to your ClickFunnels account

  2. On the top header menu, click on Click Funnels > Funnels

  3. Select the Funnel you wish to connect to

  4. Click on Settings in the top-right corner

  5. Scroll down to the WebHooks section and click on Manage Your Funnel WebHooks

  6. Click on + New WebHook

  7. Paste the URL from your LimeCall account

    • This value can be found on the webhooks page in your LimeCall account.

  8. Leave the other fields unchanged:

    • Event: All Events

    • Version: 1

    • Adapter: attributes

  9. Click on Create Funnel Webhook to save the webhook

Once done, you’ll see the webhook created under your Active Funnel WebHooks page. You can then submit test leads on your funnel to ensure you receive them instantly in your LimeCall account.

Note that if you have multiple funnels, you’ll need to repeat the above steps for each funnel you wish to connect to LimeCall.

If you need any further assistance please contact our Support Team via Live Chat or

Watch our each step of our Quick Tutorial HERE

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