Train your team

Transitioning to LimeCall takes very little adjustment to your current workflow.

Here are a few tips to make the transition smooth:

  1. Assign lead responsibilities: If you don't have a dedicated teams, decide who will be responsible for handling calls and create a schedule to ensure coverage throughout the day. Divide shifts among team members so that each person can handle calls for half a shift while managing other tasks when not actively engaging. You can set up the work schedule in each Agent's profiles within the LimeCall platform.

  2. Define quality sales and support metrics: Clearly communicate the expectations for support and sales quality, including satisfaction ratings, conversion rates, response times, and case resolution time. Establishing these metrics helps ensure consistent and excellent customer support.

  3. Develop training procedures: Determine the most effective training method for your team, whether it's a training manual, mock chats, or shadowing experienced teammates. Providing new hires with proper training is crucial to their success.

  4. Live Training Support: Yes! That's right, with a simple click, book a live training session with our team to ensure all agents are trained to use the LimeCall platform or check out our Video Guides.

Last updated

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