Google Forms
Here you will find how to integrate Google Forms with LimeCall
You can connect LimeCall to Google Forms to receive new leads submitted via your Google Forms in your account. This gives you instant new lead alerts and automatically creates the leads in your client list, so you can immediately contact them.
Note that you’ll need to have or create a Google account to set up this integration.
Connecting to Google Forms
Connecting your LimeCall account to your Google Forms only takes a couple of minutes, and can be done directly from your Google account.
Follow the instructions below to connect your Google Form(s) to LimeCall :
Sign in to your Google account
Edit the form you wish to connect and click the ⋮ (More) button
Click Script Editor
In tab, copy and paste the integration script, which can be found on the Google Forms integration page in your LimeCall account.
Include your LimeCall token in the script
Expand Deploy and click New Deployment
Select Web App from Select Type and click Deploy
Accept the required permissions by clicking Authorise Access button
You will see Deployment Successfully Updated. Click Done
Click Run and that’s it!
Once done, you can close the tab and open your form in a new tab to submit a test lead.
If you have multiple forms, you can repeat the same steps for each form, using the same script for all forms.
If you need any further assistance please contact our Support Team via Live Chat or
Watch our each step of our Quick Tutorial HERE
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