Facebook Lead Ads

Contact your Facebook Leads within seconds.

Limecall is built for sales and marketing professionals who run Facebook Lead Ads and need an easy way to access, contact, and convert leads from their phone and web devices.

  • Get your Facebook and Instagram leads delivered instantly via the LimeCall app and email. Tap to immediately view the lead's contact information, custom answers, and ad campaign details.

  • Send auto-personalised introductions via WhatsApp, SMS, or email with our one-touch QUICK RESPONSE feature. No need to type, copy + paste, or even save to your phonebook.

  • Distribute Leads to Your Clients and Teammates

    Set up multiple recipients for each Facebook Page or Lead Form, and choose between forwarding leads to everyone or distributing leads equally amongst recipients in a round-robin fashion.

  • Manage your new leads and existing clients with notes, follow up reminders, client timelines, trackable files & pages, bulk sending, and much more.

Last updated